The production of lutein by a bacterial strain of Sphingomonas morindae NBD5 was firstly identified with LC-Q-TOF/MS, and the optimal culture for producing lutein was also investigated. Both the growth and the lutein production of S. morindae NBD5 were found to be optimal at 30 oC and the accumulation amount of lutein in dry cells of S. morindae NBD5 was 1.6 mg/g. Sucrose was a favorable carbon source to support the rapid growth and the lutein accumulation of S. morindae NBD5, and the content of 1.8 mg/g lutein was achieved. Peptone was a suited nitrogen source to promote bacterial growth and lutein accumulation, and the maximum accumulation amount of 1.9 mg/g lutein was obtained. Both the rapid growth and the high lutein content of S. morindae NBD5 were found in this study, which can be used as a new biological resource to produce lutein to meet the market demand.
In the recent years, Metal Matrix Composites (MMC) is being used in many industries especially in automobile and aerospace industries because of the improved properties exhibited by them. Although various methods are employed in the processing of composites, casting is the most widely adopted method. This paper discusses image processing technique for analysis of surface roughness parameters of Al/SiCp cast produced using magnetic moulding, sand casting and permanent die casting. Magnetic moulding is a processing method similar to sand casting in which steel balls of very small diameters are used instead of sand. The surface roughness of the cast produced using three different methods is analysed using a 3D surface roughness tester and the surface roughness parameters are determined and compared. An image processing algorithm is also developed to determine the number of pores and pore density on the surface of the cast produced using three different casting methods and a comparison is made.
The present research paper investigatesthe dynamic behavior of a wet bone modeled as a magnetic hollow cylinder of crystal class 6. It expresses solving the problem of the propagation of wavesconcerning a possible function thatfulfills partial differential equations whose solutions help derive the explicit solution of the wave equation. The mechanicaland Maxwell’s boundary circumstancesmatch those of thestress of the lateral surface. The satisfaction of the boundary circumstancesmotivates dispersing the relationshipthatis resolvednumerically. The wave frequencies are thus determined as the function of severalparameters. Theyagree well with the results of the literature.These frequencies are computedfor poroelasticbone in terms of severalvalues of the magnetic field amplitude and bone porosity. The results can benefit the theoretical development of orthopedic study projectsconnectedto cylindrical poroelastic long bones.A comparison was made between the theoretical findings and the in vitro experimental valuesreportedby a previouslydeveloped non-contacting magnetic device.
Casting is one of the commonly used techniques in industries for the manufacturing of metal products. Although sand (Ceramic) is used as a mold material for casting, it is a poor conductor of heat and hence it affects the microstructure and mechanical properties. Therefore using alternate material for mold can help in better heat transfer rate and thereby better properties. This paper deals with the effect of various mold materials on the temperature distribution and heat transfer during casting process. Three mold materials namely Sand, Steel and Copper were chosen and the mold that was cast was aluminium alloy. From the studies it was found that the copper mold gave better heat transfer rate compared to steel and sand owing to high thermal conductivity. But since copper is not commercially available in the form of shots, the next commercially available alternative of steel shots can be considered for mold material.
From the corms of Colchicum pusillum, six colchicinoids: colchicine, 3-demethylcolchicine, 2-demethyl-γ-lumicolchicine, 2-demethylcolchicine, demecolcine and 2-demethyldemecolcine were isolated. The colchicine amount in the corms was determined as 0.24% after HPLC-DAD studies. The anti-inflammatory effect of the ethanolic extract was also investigated.
Seeds of plants unique that stores all the necessary ingredients to support the embryo of the plant during germination. In this study, we evaluated morphology, texture, composition and nutritional properties of the seed flour of Mango, Jackfruit, Jamun and Amaltash by various sophisticate instruments such as Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emissions spectrometer (ICP-OES), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), CHNS/O analyser, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Mango and jackfruits are spherical (~2-6µm) in morphology and that contains several functional groups (wave-number 3343 cm-1of O-H vibration), 2920 cm-1 and 2156 cm-1 are corresponding to the C-H aliphatic stretching vibration, 1627 and 1728 cm-1 is attributing to the stretching band of the carboxyl double bond from carboxyl functional group. All seed flour were analysed by ICP-OES and EDX for nutritional elements like carbohydrates, proteins, lignin, fat, cellulose, fibre, antibacterial and minerals elements, these nutrients are beneficial for various applications in the food industry and pharmaceutical industry.
Transhumant shepherding is carried out exclusively outside „vatra satului” (heart of the village). This is due to the lack of land, so the harvested hay is insufficient for sheep wintering. In their search of pastures, Romanian shepherds, „bârsani (săceleni, brăneni, covăsneni, breţcani), mărginenii (jieni, poienari etc.)” (inhabitants of the respective areas), also those from the Subcarpathians and the south of the Danube, could be found in the plains on the seaside of: Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, Aegean Sea, in the Ponto-Caspian steppes, beyond Dniester and Prut, all the way to Crimea and the northern Caucasus. The temporary swarming of shepherds had an important role in spreading the language, the customs and the traditions of the ancestors, life concepts etc., determining the formation of a unitary concept regarding the historical purpose of Romanians among the peoples of the world. The rural resident must be aware that the traditional family farm (micro-farm) is an element of the landscape, part of the cultural heritage. He can use it efficiently, in order to obtain sources of income from the capitalization of dairy products and meat (coming from the family surplus), from the practice of agritourism etc.
The aim of this study was to evaluate compaction and deformation data produced by single punch compaction simulator. Using simulator in preformulation step at different pressures (50MPa- 150MPa) is a valuable way to understand pharmaceutical excipients behaviour.\nMagnesium stearate (MgSt) was used 0.5 and 1% in formulations containing DC grade materials Ibuprofen DC 85 W was selected as model drug. MicroceLac 100 (75% alpha-lactose monohydrate and 25% microcrystalline cellulose) and Cellactose 80 (75% alpha-lactose monohydrate and 25% powdered cellulose), are selected as co-processed fillers in the formulations.\nPowder characterization was done with SEM and true density test. Tensile strength was calculated and mean yield pressure (Py) obtained by Heckel plots was used to describe the deformation mechanism of the two fillers. Ejection forces were calculated to understand lubricant sensitivity.\nFormulations containing MicroceLac100 showed better tensile strength (2.67MPa) compared with Cellactose®80 (2.00MPa) both without and with the addition of lubricant.\nDifferences in powder composition lead to differences in tablet strength as well as deformation behaviour. Ibuprofen formulation (Ib/M1-2) containing MicroceLac 100 was found to be the optimum combination.\nMgSt concentration relationship to ejection force was studied and the amount of lubricant was predicted and optimized with minimum effect on tablet hardness.
Deadwood is an important component of virgin forest biodiversity. To study this indicator, we placed three research plots (each 1 ha in area) inside forests located in the Southern Carpathians. Data on the dendrometric characteristics of standing and lying deadwood, the species and degree of decay were recorded. Also, the aboveground biomass and carbon stock of the deadwood was determined, using allomeric equations. The total (dead and alive) volume was between 48.95 m3�ha-1 (Semenic P20 research plot) and 148.39 m3�ha-1 (F?g?ra?�?inca research plot). The percentage of deadwood from the total volume (dead and alive) was between 7% and 16%. The deadwood volume distributions showed a decreasing trend, and the most suitable theoretical functions for describing them were lognormal, 2P-Weibull and gamma 2P. The aboveground biomass ranged between 17.41 t�ha-1 (Semenic P20 plot) and 30.51 t�ha-1 (Retezat�Z?noaga research plot), and showed a decreasing trend according to altitude. The carbon stock was between 8.17 t�ha-1 (Semenic P20 plot) and 14.33 t�ha-1 (Retezat�Z?noaga research plot). All these values (deadwood, aboveground biomass and carbon stock) are characteristic of virgin forests, where they occur in the greatest amounts, compared to other forests.