Title Comparison of Completed Suicides of an Unknown Cause by Geographical Regions in Turkey
Paper ID WlEtz
KeywordsCompleted suicide, unknown causes, geographic regional,Turkey
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Title Extraction of Compound Reaction Relations Based on Graph Neural Network
Paper ID gkXoW
KeywordsCompound reaction, Deep learning, Graph neural network, Compound relation extraction
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Title An Recommendation Algorithm Based on Joint Convolution Matrix Factorization in Location Social Networks
Paper ID a7oyF
KeywordsLocation Social Networks, Recommendation System, Convolutional Neural Network, Spatio-temporal Relationship.
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Title A Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on Neural Tube Defects during 1980-2020
Paper ID 0GKQr
KeywordsBibliometric analysis; Neural Tube Defects; Trends; Folic Acid; Spina Bifida
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Title X and Y Generation Nurses
Paper ID oLEls
KeywordsNursing care, X and Y Generation, Nurse Care Behavior, Palestine, Turkey
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Title Association of MDR1 polymorphisms with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome susceptibility
Paper ID SLR7G
KeywordsIdiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS), multidrug resistance gene 1 (MDR1) gene polymorphisms, Meta-analysis
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Title A Promoter of Violence or a Humanist Ethical Philosopher?: Appraising Frantz Fanon
Paper ID TZLPu
KeywordsColonialism, Africa, Pan-Africanism, liberation struggle, subjugation, Black Consciousness.
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Title Nonlinear Vibration of a Guided beam with guided end condition
Paper ID S2W5L
KeywordsBeam, shape function, Nonlinear Vibration, equation of motion
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Title Some Indian herbs having protective effects against deleterious effects of ochratoxin A in broiler chicks
Paper ID 9NT2q
Keywordsochratoxin A, humoral immune response, herbal protection, feed additives, Tinospora cordifolia, Glycyrrhiza glabra
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Title Coronary artery occlusion on routine chest CT as clue for diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction
Paper ID fbSDb
Keywords: acute myocardial infarction; coronary artery occlusion; myocardial perfusion defect; chest CT; CT
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Title Stability analysis of a three-layer shell with lightweight filler supported by rigidity ribs
Paper ID ouqsq
Keywordssloping three-layer shell, circular three-layer shell, lightweight filler, longitudinal rib of rigidity, stability, shell rigidity, rib rigidity, shift parameter, rigidity parameter, curvature parameter
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